Monday 7 November 2011

Week 3, Day 1

Hello everyone, and happy Monday! This weekend has been busy, and full of studying and spending time with my amazing fiance. I told everyone I'd add picture of the lamb tongue, so they should appear below this blog if it works out right. I'll be taking pictures every day as long as I can and I remember to take my camera with me. Studying for food costing is not as bad as I thought it would be, it is math, however i'm able to do half of it in my head without even using a calculator. I can't figure out the practical questions and problems though... so I guess I'll be learning that later today. I have a writing class at 1:30 today, followed by food costing, and then my practical cookery class is taking place this evening. The schedule is way different than every other week, hence my post being so early on a Monday for once! (this meant I got a well needed sleep in day) The method of cooking for the week is pan frying and sauteing! I'm really excited, the dishes I will be putting together are looking pretty awesome, and I'll talk about them in future posts.
The cold weather is coming on Thursday up here, but until then it remains around 10 to 12 degrees celsius. I'm hoping the cold front gets pushed away by something else, as it doesn't need to snow until I'm on christmas break! I'd rather not walk half 45 minutes to body moves in a couple feet of snow! I have to finish studying for culinary management now though, so I'll post tomorrow with the pictures from todays practical cookery class and tell you how everything goes.


  1. That is one ugly tongue, but the dishes look good. What is the soup in the first pic? I'm pretty sure I've seen that somewhere ... t.v. perhaps! lol

  2. The tongue is actually the last dish as well, just chopped, and it was actually one of the tastier ones. The soup is actually not a soup lol, it's a shrimp bisque, and the cream is just a little unsweetened whipping cream added for presentation.
