Monday 11 July 2011

week later...

Wow, missed a week :S I really need to start remembering to blog every day, umm, been a pretty good week I guess, really hot though. Had a youth day yesterday, I played drums and listened to some talks. Learned a little about our government and it's stupidity,.. not going to get into it, it'll just frustrate me lol, but anyhow. Only 3 shifts this week,  Monday, wednesday, and Sunday, but I'm heading up to Missisauga on Friday for warped tour! I'm pretty excited :) On Saturday, I'll be up in Stratford looking at apartments for this coming fall, and then it's my birthday on Monday, but I'll probably be working for half the day, starting at 6 am lol. The sheeps stomach isn't here yet, as no sheep came in today, so hopefully there'll be one next week so I can begin making my haggis. The garden is doing awesome, a whole bunch of leaves just appeared on my grape vine, so I guess it's doing pretty well. The leaves on the top of my carrots are about 5 or 6 inches tall now, so that's a good sign. The onions that actually came up seem to be doing well, there's only a few though, so I guess time will tell how they end up. Just a month more til harvest :)  as for my herbs, the parsley is doing excellent, and the chives are growing pretty well too. I might go fishing sometime this week if I get a chance and get my fishing license soon, and then cook one for supper if I catch anything worth eating. Have to get new shoes tomorrow, cause my month old, $90 shoes just fell apart suddenly, still under the 90 day return period though, so hope I can get my money back. I'll also be calling a few of the apartments tomorrow to make sure I can check them out on Saturday. Time to go pick up Trisha though, I'll try to post more often, just been a lot of late evenings and forgetfullness. I'll keep whoever reads this posted as to the fishing thing and I'll post pictures of the garden soon.

Tuesday 5 July 2011


Today, I drove to Stratford with Sarah, my brothers girlfriend, and deposited my second payment to the Stratford Chef's School. The lady that runs the school said she'd see me again in the fall, and they knew me by name when I came in, which kind of made it so much more real that I'm going there in the fall. I'm getting pretty excited. I've been watching a lot of Scottish documentaries lately, and I'm getting really excited about the Haggis project that's coming up next week hopefully. Doing as much research as possible so I can hopefully get a good result. I have to go pick up Trisha from work now though, so this'll be a short blog today, but maybe there'll be more to write about tomorrow. Oh, I did have a super huge breakfast in Stratford, if you're there, and you want a huge breakfast, go to 'features' resturant on the main street downtown just past the cookware store, and order the 'Paul Bunyan Special'  It's only 10 dollars, and it's MASSIVE! like, not served on a plate, but on a cookie sheet from the oven lol, it was HUGE. but really good :) anyhow, got to go, I'll try to post something better tomorrow,... Market tomorrow :)

Monday 4 July 2011


I definitely missed the last 2 posts cause I had no computer here 2 nights ago in my room with internet, and I just forgot yesterday... I know, it's not an excuse lol, but I'm not giving up on this blog. Anyhow, pretty good weekend, went to go to the conservation area yesterday, but there were way too many flies. Worked this morning, and it was pretty good. Didn't have to be up extra early this Monday because my kitchen manager is on vacation, so kind of a bonus :)   Paying for school this week, I'll be heading up to Stratford tomorrow to do so, and to look for an apartment this fall...  it's coming up pretty fast.  It's cherry season! so a cherry pie will be coming up soon :) whenever I can go get enough cherries to make it, and find the time. I'll post some pictures and write about it whenever it happens. My next big project however, is the traditional scottish recipe, Haggis. Today, I called some local butchers in order to try to get some ingredients. You'd be surprised how much harder it would be to get a sheep's liver, heart, and lungs, but more so how to get the stomach you have to boil it all in. For those who haven't tried this awesome meal, you're missing out. Don't let the ingredients discourage you,  it's cheap, and absolutely amazing. Served with 'neeps and tatties' (potatoes and sweet potatoes) it's an amazing dish. If you don't want to make it yourself, there's a bar in London called 'the Scots Corner' on Dundas where you can try it. anyhow, after calling numerous butchers, my ingredients should be all at my house by next wednesday hopefully. Should be interesting, I'll post a bunch of pictures, and I'll post my recipe if anyone requests afterwards, providing it turns out well. 
Tonight, I'm making shake and bake chicken lol, simple, but using fresh chicken from the market last week, and it will be cooked with potatoes, with chives. The chives in my garden are doing awesome, so this'll be the first time using them :) I'm pretty excited,... though it's the same thing that I get from the grocery store... but I grew it so it must be better!   I'll also be garnishing it with my parsely. The carrots in my garden are coming along, about 4 inch leaves now, so they should be good in a month or so hopefully. Only a few onions seem to be growing however, so I guess we'll see also in about a month. I'll take some pictures next week, or at the end of this week and post them up here. As for the grape vine, I'm told it takes a couple years, so It'll have to wait before I start posting on it and explaining how it either turned out well, or failed. Guess we'll see in a couple years.  I'll try to keep posting every day, and I'll try to take some pictures from Stratford tomorrow when I'm there. 

Friday 1 July 2011

Canada Day!

My first day off in a week and a half! YAY lol, woke up and helped Trisha move into her gorgeous new apartment!  it's pretty awesome, and starting to look like a home already :)... (I think I'm more excited than she is...)  it's AWESOME!  anyhow, played in the parade after helping her move in, then relaxed for a bit. We watched the fireworks, and now we're going to go watch a movie, so it's been a pretty awesome day. Probably going to cook some sort of chicken meal of sorts tomorrow, I'll try to get pictures and finally write about cooking something again cause it's been a while. Work tomorrow evening, it's a UFC night and I'm the late, so probably won't be done til around 12 or 1 ish, but I have sunday off, and for some reason I'm in at 9:00 on Monday morning, not 6 am. That'll be nice for once. HAPPY CANADA DAY!