Friday 1 July 2011

Canada Day!

My first day off in a week and a half! YAY lol, woke up and helped Trisha move into her gorgeous new apartment!  it's pretty awesome, and starting to look like a home already :)... (I think I'm more excited than she is...)  it's AWESOME!  anyhow, played in the parade after helping her move in, then relaxed for a bit. We watched the fireworks, and now we're going to go watch a movie, so it's been a pretty awesome day. Probably going to cook some sort of chicken meal of sorts tomorrow, I'll try to get pictures and finally write about cooking something again cause it's been a while. Work tomorrow evening, it's a UFC night and I'm the late, so probably won't be done til around 12 or 1 ish, but I have sunday off, and for some reason I'm in at 9:00 on Monday morning, not 6 am. That'll be nice for once. HAPPY CANADA DAY!

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