Monday 11 July 2011

week later...

Wow, missed a week :S I really need to start remembering to blog every day, umm, been a pretty good week I guess, really hot though. Had a youth day yesterday, I played drums and listened to some talks. Learned a little about our government and it's stupidity,.. not going to get into it, it'll just frustrate me lol, but anyhow. Only 3 shifts this week,  Monday, wednesday, and Sunday, but I'm heading up to Missisauga on Friday for warped tour! I'm pretty excited :) On Saturday, I'll be up in Stratford looking at apartments for this coming fall, and then it's my birthday on Monday, but I'll probably be working for half the day, starting at 6 am lol. The sheeps stomach isn't here yet, as no sheep came in today, so hopefully there'll be one next week so I can begin making my haggis. The garden is doing awesome, a whole bunch of leaves just appeared on my grape vine, so I guess it's doing pretty well. The leaves on the top of my carrots are about 5 or 6 inches tall now, so that's a good sign. The onions that actually came up seem to be doing well, there's only a few though, so I guess time will tell how they end up. Just a month more til harvest :)  as for my herbs, the parsley is doing excellent, and the chives are growing pretty well too. I might go fishing sometime this week if I get a chance and get my fishing license soon, and then cook one for supper if I catch anything worth eating. Have to get new shoes tomorrow, cause my month old, $90 shoes just fell apart suddenly, still under the 90 day return period though, so hope I can get my money back. I'll also be calling a few of the apartments tomorrow to make sure I can check them out on Saturday. Time to go pick up Trisha though, I'll try to post more often, just been a lot of late evenings and forgetfullness. I'll keep whoever reads this posted as to the fishing thing and I'll post pictures of the garden soon.

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