Monday 24 October 2011

Week 1, Day 1

After countless awakenings last night, from being to warm, to the thunderstorm that no one else heard, I finally got up to go to our first practical cookery class. I learned that I don't know how to dice vegetables properly, but on a more positive note I am fairly good at forming fresh pasta into farfalle noodles. I need to brush up on my knife skills, however it was an exciting morning, followed by tastings of some amazing dishes. Two times the work tomorrow in this class, as we will be creating a risotto , and vegetable soup, as well as learning paysanne knife drills.  After our practical class, I had a class on food costing, which turned out to be more of an introduction, and simple homework on reading a few pages before next week's lesson. The most eye opening class however, was my final class of this evening which began focusing on the writing methods that we will use within this course. Although simple it may sound, this was followed by our lesson on the infamous spec, or recipe specification assignment. In order to not give away all the details of this,... (or really because I'm freaking out about it at this current moment, and have no time to describe in detail what it entails,) it is simply an ABSOLUTE %$&!TON OF WORK! and this statement pretty much sums it up. So, these will be due every monday morning on the week's lesson, this week being boiling. 1 minute late, and it is a zero, and as you can all imagine it is worth a large amount of our final grade. I should begin working on this now, as I can't afford to procrastinate, and so my blogs may become shorter and shorter as the weeks progress towards monday mornings. Anyhow, good start to the week, please wish me luck, and hope to hear some comments, and to see what anyone thinks of my posts. Thank you.


  1. Very cool! Can't wait to see what you've learned and taste your risotto! I do like your blog.

    Love, Mom

  2. I like you blog Paul!!!!! I am pulling for you, you will do great, I know it.
    love Abuey

  3. Thank you very much, the support is very much appreciated, as this is my way of reminding myself in the future of this insanity lol, but more so, a way to collect my thoughts from the day and begin the process of homework.
