Wednesday 26 October 2011

week 1, day 3

Hey, sorry it's going to be a short post today, as I have been doing homework since I've gotten done school, and then I showed my housemates how to fillet fish efficiently. Our practical was the best so far this week, I made a white fish soup,.. I'll write the real name of it later or if someone asks as it is very,  well, french in nature. I'm no good in french, in the pronunciation or the spelling by memory. Anyhow, a couple other theory classes followed, and then off to the house to practice the mushroom risotto dish that our spec is on. Forgot a couple ingredients from the grocery store, so it turned out ok, but not excellent. We did however learn a lot. At the grocery store, we also got a few small fish, and I showed my housemates how to fillet them. It seems they will be lunch tomorrow, providing we have enough time to fry them up quickly. It is now 11:15 however, and I need to be up at 6:45 again, so.. with a little mental math, that equals not enough time to sleep tonight. So off to bed I must go, after one quick story about this evening. We cut up our fish and began to fillet them when the house owner showed up. He hates fish, so to see them, not only being chopped up fillets, but with the head, and teeth, and even a little tongue in the mouth, but missing all their meat, turned him to the basement pretty quickly. If anyone has seen the video "jellyfish" on youtube by the people that made "hot kool aid" then you will understand this next part. A bit of background, my housemates and I watch these videos constantly, and joke about them every single day, so anyhow, in the process of cleaning the fish guts, we joked about the 'jelly fish sandwich' which is a sandwich where you 'take some jelly, take some fish, put them together...' and anyhow... we did just that. We brought it down to the house owner, and well...  I'll just say it is the highlight of the week here. Thought I'd share that with you, it was quite hilarious, and relieved a lot of stress that has been slowly building as the week has been progressing. Thank you for reading, hopefully I'll have more time to write on here tomorrow.

p.s. if you haven't looked up that video on youtube and seen it,..  do it, as the little story will make a lot more sense, and watch 'hot kool aid' as well, as it is histerical.


  1. I'm surprised you haven't been evicted after serving jelly fish sandwich to the house owner!

  2. we didn't serve it to him, just showed it to him :P and it wasn't actually my idea! I just helped a little :)
