Monday 31 October 2011

Week 2, day 1

Happy monday everyone! I wish it was a happy monday, but all mondays are terrible. I got a ride to the school this morning from Scott, which was very nice, so we were there pretty early to hand in our SPEC assignments finally. Practical cookery was pretty good as we made some pretty awesome food, poached some eggs, made hollandaise sauce, (which is fantastic) and learned quite a bit. I'm feeling a lot more confident in the kitchen as the days go on, however I did not eat enough breakfast and nearly passed out in the beginning of class. Lesson learned, eat breakfast! Anyhow, after that, a friend and I went to the amazing burger place down the street where I had the bison burger, the special of the day. It was pretty amazing. Caramelized onions and the house mayo over the bison burger, pretty awesome. Food costing class came next, and I finally understand a bit of math. For once, I was the second one done the practical questions out of the whole class! by a long shot too! Anyhow, we then used the math and put it into an even more practical application, as we made cookies and hot chocolate..  in math class.
When we got home, Lydia and I cooked a cornish hen, and after trick or treaters showed up, we ran around trying to find candy... forgetting the oil on the stove was heating still... found candy canes,... gave them to a couple very disappointed looking kids, (I felt pretty bad, but there was no other candy) Got back to the kitchen to realize the oil was smoking, turned it off right away only to have the alarm start going off. The industrial fire alarm. Scott wasn't here, so we had no idea how to turn it off. After about 5 minutes or so, a very long 5 minutes, we found the codes, punched them in and things slowly went back to normal.  Re-started the oil, cooked the cornish hens, and they turned out unbelievably amazing. Perfectly moist, with a perfect sauce to go with them, all made from leftovers in the kitchen. Conveniently the recipe called for pretty much everything we had leftovers of. New stove came in, so we helped move it in, and the old one out, and then studied all the french terms. Well, not all of them yet, but it's a work in progress. Just finished studying the recipes for tomorrow evening. Pastry tomorrow morning, and a long day ahead of me. It's sleep time now, I'll post again tomorrow about the day, hopefully it will be a good day. It's going to be long, but I'll learn a lot.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Bud ... glad you figured out the code ... too bad I didn't think about Hallowe'en. I'd have sent some glow sticks with you!
