Wednesday 22 June 2011

Fresh Pizza Time

So, last night turned out well, had some awesome thunderstorms for a while! (I enjoy thunderstorms a lot) while I was baking my strawberry pie. It turned out pretty well, pictures will be included below. Today, woke up, same snooze button pushing routine as always before work, started out dead at Boston Pizza, then got relatively busy. After work, I picked up Trisha and headed to the Wednesday market for the first time. It's pretty awesome, got a good deal on steaks, and all my food, plus all the ingredients are the most fresh I've ever used! It was an awesome exciting grocery getting experience, which will definitely become a weekly or at least bi-weekly routine for Trisha and myself.   I got home after dropping Trisha off at work, and went to go relax, but found Sarah (my brother's girlfriend) over, so we decided to get sushi. Not my favourite, but not bad. after eating, dropped her off at home, and went out to get a few more pizza supplies I was missing... well one supply lol, got some active yeast. Got home, realized it was the wrong kind, (there are different kinds of yeast??) Apparently so...  however, found a simple conversion for the yeast I had, and made it work. I created dough myself for the first time, a simple recipe that turned out excellent. I will post pictures of my pizza before cooking below, and possibly add more of after cooking tomorrow if I remember to get pictures, as I still have one more pizza to make... the first one went fast.  Awesome pizza making experience however, using fresh mozarella for the first time, which tastes AMAZING! and its cheaper than store bought! A storm just missed us today, poured for about 5 minutes, then that was it. Now it's dark out, and I'm getting a little tired, waiting for my brother to come home, cooking the second pizza, then relaxing until I have to pick up Trisha from work at 12:30. It's been a good day :) many more to come hopefully, many more new ideas to create and make food wise over the summer, hopefully including pasta sometime, and a homemade BBQ sauce, for which I just found the recipe for. Tomorrow however, will be some awesome steaks, time permitting, with potatoes. 

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