Saturday 25 June 2011

Long Day

Not sure where to begin, just a frustrating day, freezer was broken at work again,... re-writing this a second time cause it just screwed up right as I went to publish it... so yeah... pretty frustrated. Anyhow, at least I got some hours today at work. Went to Wallaceburg to Trisha's Mom's birthday party thing. Had a pretty awesome supper of Garlic Shrimp, Steaks, Red Potatoes, and green beans all cooked over a bbq. Cake afterwards, and now here I am.  Life's just getting hectic, and it seems like everyone thinks I'm not around enough, I'm just trying to get everything in order. Always one thing after another. If I did every bit of running around I need done all in one week, with free gas, and a car that never needed an oil change or any money put into it, I still wouldn't have it all done. Applying for OSAP, sending them paperwork, Canada post is on strike... so... they can all,... wait... what can I and can't I post on here :S... well...  fill with colourful language, the economy is bad enough, don't need your complaining and screwing around, I'd trade them a job for mine any time, at least they get 40 hours a week. Anyhow...   Not sure what else to say, I could go on and on, it's not that I'm trying to avoid people, I just need time in between my insane days, and I can barely even get that without hanging out with anyone, so... my life is crazy right now, and I need people to understand that I'm just trying to get through this. I need people's prayers... please... and just for everyone to understand that I'm just trying to get my life started,... but it's like I'm tied down by.. well... everything right now.

Hopefully tomorrow will be better...

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