Sunday 19 June 2011

June 19th, 2010

woke up to make breakfast... but went back to sleep again... and again... and again... so I had a burger bun with peanut butter for breakfast, went to work for almost 7 hours :) good day at work, then off to Wallaceburg for church after dropping Trisha off at Mickee dees for work. Got back, took pictures of my garden to add to this post... more so to figure out how to do it, jumped on the trampoline with Sarah and John, then went to relax.  Checked my e-mail, and got news from Stratford :)  The school is accepted for OSAP so hopefully I can get that on the way soon, well, completed, I'm mostly done, and then next step is to look for an apartment I guess... October's coming rediculously fast!  Anyhow, Trisha's getting a gorgeous apartment downtown in a couple days :) and umm... guess that was my day.  Oh, and I got my student number and ID!!! so excited, cause now I'm officially a student! well... I was already officially a student, but somehow the number makes it more real... I like being a number I guess,  however, no login username was attached... so have to wait a day or two before I can login to the website.  I'll keep it posted up here to whoever actually reads this... if anyone...  however, my garden pictures will be posted up too with this.

Garden pictures,

One picture is of my carrot/onion part, the carrots are doing great! which is awesome, cause all I did was drop seeds in the ground, and drop water on it every once in a while,  the onions seems sparse and slow, so I guess we'll see.  My cilantro died... again, the second plant, so I give up on it for now. The parsley and Chives are doing great though :) and I'm unsure about my little grapevine. Unsure if it wants to live... just needs some motivation I guess. The entire little garden is the bottom picture, I'll add pictures every once in a while as it progresses.

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