Monday 20 June 2011


Woke up at 4:45 to be at work for 6...  too early, cleaned the ovens, super cleaned the fryers, and cleaned the grill. Pretty dead day customer wise, but there was a lot of prep from Sunday night. did a freezer pull portioned pasta, and then went to go see Trisha :) She got accepted for the apartment! well, gave the down payment on it, so it's hers! She'll be moving soon, hopefully she gets to be as excited as me, it's an awesome place!   Watched part of  "How to train your dragon" with her before taking her to work,..   I definitely want a bearded dragon now...  too bad the girl I'm engaged to hates reptiles.  I'll get it eventually just a little more convincing is needed lol, and a bit of money, so no time soon. Drove her to work, then came home to play drums for about an hour! AWESOME!  just about to cook some pork chops on the BBQ, maybe I'll try my new Texas BBQ signature rub on it.  After dinner, off to the church to practice with the band for a drumming thing for a graduation thing tomorrow lol,... (I'm obviously ready.. don't even know exactly what it is lol)  all good though, that's why there are practices I guess :) well, out to go jump on the trampoline with my brother John and cook some pork chops!

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