Thursday 23 June 2011

Good day :)

Woke up this morning, went to work, pretty good day. I was a bit behind at first, but after a good timmies coffee and muffin, I was good to go! 6 hours at work, then went over to Trisha's place. Watched a bit of 'Leap Year' with her,  a decent chick flick I guess you could call it, anyhow there's a chef in it lol. dropped her off at work, and then came home to cook one of the steaks I bought yesterday. They need to be marinated I think, I'll try it tomorrow or the day after... probably Saturday as I work tomorrow evening. Went to pipes and drums, oh right, for those of you who don't know, I am part of a pipes and drum band. I play a drum set as well, and guitar a little bit. hmm, guess I haven't really described myself much to those, if anyone, that actually don't know me that well, so guess I'll take the opportunity now, cause it's been a pretty boring day lol. I am turning 21 next month, obviously heading off to Stratford in the fall to become a chef. I am in the apprenticeship program, and I've been working in a few restaurants over the past 2 years on and off. I used to be in the Canadian Forces as an infantry soldier at first, and then as a musician for the past 2 years. I had to quit in order to complete my apprenticeship but I'm enjoying the freedom a bit. I like having longer hair lol. I listen to a lot of heavy metal, so that's kind of where that comes from. Not trying to prove a point or stand out, just a personal thing I like. I am very strong about my beliefs and about who I am. I don't try to fit in, or change to be more liked, but try to be myself always. I'm pretty shy at first but open up once I get to know people. I am also catholic, and my faith is a huge part of my life, and luckily a huge part of my fiance, Trisha,'s life as well. We're waiting until we're finished school in 2 years before our wedding but we're really happy with each other, and she's a huge part of my life as well,  though she doesn't like long hair or lizards lol... and I want a bearded dragon...   haha, we'll see, anyhow, that's me in a nutshell of sorts, hopefully tomorrow will be more exciting anyhow.

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